
My name is Sarah. I’m a stay-at-home mom to a very adventurous little lady, whose name is Emilia. I’m struggling to accept that she will be 3 this summer! I have no idea where the time has gone.

When I made the decision to stay home after Emilia was born, I knew I wasn’t the type of person to just simply stay at home with her. I wanted to do all the fun things with her and make the most of our time.

At just 6 months we started storytime, music in the park, the zoo, and walking trails. As she got older, we kept finding more and more places to visit and new activities to try.

Things were tricky during lockdown for the pandemic but we still found plenty to keep us busy. Our favorite thing to do was to explore new trails. We found all these little gems that I probably passed several times but never knew they were there!

I’ll be honest, I am not a writer! Just a mama looking for a space to share all of the fun activities and places to visit. My husband didn’t want to miss out on seeing her experience all these new things while he was at work so I have always taken a ton of pictures and videos for him to see. Eventually, I started posting them on Instagram and Snapchat for all of our friends and family to see.

I didn’t realize how many people were paying attention to our little adventures until just recently. I was blown away by the amazing things people had to say about all the activities we do together.

With the help of some friends and family, I decided to start this blog to share all of our family fun activities!

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